Youth With A Mission

We at YWAM Ranch Abierto are passionate about empowering families and their youngest members to serve communities and share God's love. Since 1960, Youth With A Mission (YWAM) has grown into a global Christian movement with a presence in over 180 countries. As YWAM has grown over the years, the YWAM leaders have consistently sensed God leading them to develop as a family of movements, rather than a hierarchical structured, centralized agency. Therefore, YWAM Rancho Abierto is responsible for its own governance, legal, and financial stewardship. We are also responsible for planning outreaches, initiating training programs, recruiting deputized missionaries, and setting priorities in carrying out our ministry. The decentralized structure of YWAM also allows us to be visionary and adapt our ministry to meet the unique needs of married couples and their families.

Our Mission - To know god and make him known

To “Know God and Make Him Known” in all the world, through the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ in all creative forms and methods, and to make disciples, teaching them all Christ commanded in all spheres of life, according to the teachings of the Holy Bible and to show mercy to the poor in education, food, water, shelter, health care, and clothing. This will be acheived through the mobilization of youth, families, businesses, and any willing volunteers who would choose to partner with us to achieve any of the above objectives.

YWAM’s Three-fold Emphasis

Evangelism: presenting the good news of Jesus Christ in a wide variety of creative ways, as well as Bible engagement and fellowship.

Mercy Ministry: being the “hands and feet” of making God known in the nations. This ministry includes many diverse activities, including providing food, water, shelter, health care, education, and clothing for those in need.

Training and Discipleship: the emphasis is on equipping and developing people. YWAM and the University of the Nations (UofN) combine classes with relationship-centered discipleship along with practical service. The UofN builds faith, character, knowledge, and skills into each student (2 Peter 1:5). The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is the prerequisite for all UofN degree programs (, as well as service in YWAM as deputized missionary. The DTS consists of an 11-week classroom phase followed by a 8 week outreach and a week-long debriefing.

“If we know the Lord, we have already heard His voice—after all, it was the inner leading that brought us to Him in the first place. But we can hear His voice once and still miss His best if we don’t keep on listening.”
— Loren Cunningham, Is That Really You, God?: Hearing the Voice of God

Our Core Beliefs

  • Worship: We are called to praise and worship God alone.

  • Holiness: We are called to lead holy and righteous lives that exemplify the nature and character of God.

  • Witness: We are called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who do not know Him.

  • Prayer: We are called to engage in intercessory prayer for the people and causes on God’s heart, including standing against evil in every form.

  • Fellowship: We are called to commit to the Church in both its local nurturing expression and its mobile multiplying expression.

  • Service: We are called to contribute toward God’s Kingdom purposes in every sphere of life.  

  • Marriage: As taught in God’s Holy Scriptures, we believe that marriage unites one biologically-born male and one biologically-born female in a convenantal commitment to each other for life. (Gen. 2:23-24; Mat. 19:4-6). The covenant of marriage provides for intimate companionship, pure sexual expression and procreation, and reflects the relationship of Christ Jesus and the church. (Eph. 5:31-33).

  • Sexual Purity: We believe that God commands us to be sexually pure and that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between one biologically-born male and one biologically-born female.

  • Gender: We believe God created two unique genders; male and female, and to alter or change those created identities misses the mark of God’s intent and goes against the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. (Gen. 1:27; Ps. 139:13-15).