Homestead Improvement and ManagemenT (HIM) for families
The Family Homesteading School is an idea for a 12-week “secondary school” for students that have completed a DTS. We will be pioneering this unique school and discovering together God’s heart for the land…
Proposed Dates: Jan. 5, 2026 - Mar. 27, 2026
Creation Healed
The four consequences of the fall are clearly seen in Genesis chapter 3: Estrangement from God; Alienation from one another; Alienation from ourselves (internal division). The fourth consequence is our alienation from the land, which is also a basic biblical theme — a key strand in the tapestry of the narrative. But God intends to heal and restore the land. He plans to restore the garden. Snyder and Scandrett (2011) offered this diagnosis, “If we deal with only three of the four symptoms of a disease, we are still ill” (p. 77).